Places to Support the #NoDAPL Water Protectors
i started this list on my own need to compile the reputable places supporting the Water Protectors at Standing Rock. too many scammers out there willing to take advantage, and too disturbingly few mainstream media outlets willing to even touch #NoDAPL as a story. i’ll be updating this as i see new places or ID things that need corrections.
disclaimer: i make no claims to the veracity of this list. i’ve taken effort to verify these links as non-malicious, but please do your own due diligence.
Primary Groups – these are the “main” groups:
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (PayPal): http://standingrock.org/news/standing-rock-sioux-tribe–dakota-access-pipeline-donation-fund/
Stand with Standing Rock: http://standwithstandingrock.net/donate/
Sacred Stone Legal Defense Fund: https://fundrazr.com/d19fAf?ref=sh_25rPQa
Oceti Sakowin Camp: http://www.ocetisakowincamp.org/donate
Standing Rock Medical Healer Council: https://medichealercouncil.com/donate/
Groups for Media and Social/Online Media Coverage:
Dr0ne2bwild (Dean Dedman) – Drone-based Filming of NoDAPL Events: https://www.gofundme.com/24tdxx97
Digital Smoke Signals – supporting social media for indigenous groups: http://www.digitalsmokesignals.com/
Indigenous Environmental Network: http://www.ienearth.org/
CrowdRise for NoDAPL documentary: https://www.crowdrise.com/return-to-standing-rock-north-dakota-nodapl
Veterans for Standing Rock: https://www.gofundme.com/veterans-for-standing-rock-nodapl
GoFundMe for Sophia Wilansky, who was seriously injured by a police grenade: https://www.gofundme.com/30aezxs